How should I store my sandpaper products?
Temperature and humidity are the two most important factors influencing coated abrasive performance. Improper or inadequate storage can decrease the productive life sandpaper by as much at 70%. Backing and adhesives are sensitive to climatic changes and will gain or lose moisture according to the relative humidity of their surroundings. Fluctuating climatic conditions can cause permanent damage to the adhesive bond.
Excessive humidity may cause a softening of some types of adhesive bonds, so that the sandpaper quickly fills and clogs, or loses its grain during use. Excessive dryness may cause brittleness, reduced flexibility and distortion of product shape.
Maintain constant levels of humidity and temperature:
• Stockroom temperatures should be 60-80 degrees Fahrenheit or 16-27 degrees Celsius and relative humidity between 35% and 50%.
• Cartons should be kept away from damp or cold walls and floor where they may absorb moisture.
Store sandpaper away from heat sources:
• This includes: steam-heated radiators, steam pipes, hot-air inlets, heat ducts, or rooms near furnaces or ovens.
How to store sandpaper belts:
• Belts which have been removed from the packing case should be rolled up and stood on edge on a clean shelf.
• Belts may be draped over a large cylinder, such as a gallon can, brake drum, PVC pipe or flanges hanger of the type used from garden hoses.
• NEVER hang a belt from a nail or peg – The backing will crease and the abrasive will crack.
We hope these tips help increase the longevity of your sandpaper products. If you have more questions about sandpaper, feel free to check out our FAQ.
And if you’re looking for sandpaper, stop by our Shop for our standard sizes, or check out our online calculator for custom sanding belts.